A key lesson from the successes in the safety engineering world is the importance of looking at incidents from a systems perspective and developing a safety culture.
— David Sanders, Testimony to U.S. House Committee on Ways and Means, Subcommittee on Human Resources

A Safety Culture Is One In Which Organizational Values, Attitudes, And Behaviors Support An Engaged Workforce And Reliable Care Delivery.

Leaders in a safety culture:

  • Strive to balance systems and individual accountability; and
  • Value open communication, transparency, and continuous learning and improvement. 

Teams in a safety culture

  • Monitor themselves, their colleagues, and their system for stress; and
  • Anticipate and respond to unexpected events.

Error is pervasive. The unexpected is pervasive... What is not pervasive are well-developed skills to detect and contain these errors at their early stages.
— Karl E. Weick, Managing the Unexpected