Michael Cull, PhD, MSN

Mike Cull is currently Policy Fellow at Chapin Hall at The University of Chicago. He served as Deputy Commissioner overseeing the Office of Child Health for Tennessee's Department of Children's Services. He also holds a part-time faculty appointment with Vanderbilt University where he teaches Health Policy in the Doctor of Nursing Practice graduate program.  Prior to this appointment, he was an Assistant Professor in Health System Management at Vanderbilt University and the Director of Education and Dissemination in the Office of Quality and Patient Safety for Vanderbilt University Medical Center. In addition to clinical practice as a faculty member in Child Psychiatry, he also previously served as Executive Director of the Community Mental Health Center, Administrative Director of the Department of Psychiatry Patient Care Center, and Director of the Center of Excellence for Children in State Custody. He has a strong clinical background working with vulnerable populations and extensive experience with organizational evaluation and improvement in healthcare and the human services.

Contact: michael.cull@gmail.com